Beautiful and majestic Earth is our one and only home. Although our home is naturally self-sustaining, humans have disrupted the Earth’s ecosystems by using materials that are not biodegradable. To help reduce the amount of unrecyclable debris contaminating these systems, Earth Edge is proud to offer a variety of environmentally friendly products made with salvaged or recyclable materials. 

Specializing in foam fabrication, Earth Edge utilizes equipment and engineering technologies providing mass-produced items that are customized to meet or exceed customer requirements.

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The type of high quality, eco-friendly foam and other materials we use to make our unique products retails for as much as three times more in products made by other companies.

By providing superior quality products that helps Earth sustain land and water ecosystems, Earth Edge is rapidly developing into a leading 21st century company sought after by individuals and businesses searching for affordable, green solutions to any size project.

Contact us today to learn more about our customized products and services.